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Post Archive


Heading Back to the Writer's Conference

I’ve attended three Writer’s Digest Conferences and always found them to be useful tools for networking and learning. This year, after a brief writing hiatus, I’ve decided to go back to the conference with a new direction for my writing.


Why I Decided to Self-Publish My Novel

After several rejections and the comments from one snarky editor, it seemed my novel would never find its way to readers. Realizing my novel may have been “too different” for the industry opened my eyes to self-publishing.


Reflecting on My Writing Life

Writing has always been a big part of my life, but it took almost giving up on my writing dreams to realize just how significant of a role it had in my life. In this post, I look back at the moments writing helped me get through the troublesome times and, ultimately, helped me get back on track.


Infographic: 5 Work From Home Tips

This graphic features a list of tips to help newcomers, temporarily joining the work-at-home force due to coronavirus, effectively make the adjustment.


6 Lessons Learned From Rewriting My Novel

If your novel isn’t getting the reception you hoped when you wrote ‘The End’, it may be time for a rewrite. Here are some of the lessons I learned taking on a rewrite.


7 Tips to Making (and Keeping) Yearly Goals

There's plenty of time to achieve your goals this year, as long as you have the right strategy.

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